
ATRA Climate Explorer - Application for researching the impact of climate change on the herpetofauna of BiH

Mirza Čengić designed a web application for researching the impact of climate change on the herpetofauna of BiH.
18 Sep 2024

Defended doctoral dissertation on the alpine salamander

collaboration between the University of Antwerp and the University of Sarajevo with the support of the Rufford Foundation
30 May 2023

The Rufford Small Grants Conference „Balkan&East 2020“

The Rufford Small Grants Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina „Balkan&East 2020“ was successfully held on 10th October, 2020 in Sarajevo, at the hotel „Colors Inn“. Ten participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina were presenting their projects at the hotel, and twelve participants from Turkey, Iran and Georgia were presenting their via Zoom application. Idea was to connect participants to share their experience and knowledge, be an inspiration to each other and help each other with suggestions and new methodologies.
05 Nov 2020

Participation of BHHU ATRA at IUCN regional workshop

BHHU ATRA was a part of regional networking workshop for conservation NGOs in Sarajevo, 11th – 12th September, 2018 organized by IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) and Association Hyla, Croatia, funded by MAVA.
21 Sep 2018

Round table between Government and non-governmental sector on topic: Biodiversity of B&H and question of its protection

On December 15th, 2017, a round-table on topic "Biodiversity of B&H and its protection-Discussion on cooperation mechanisms between NGOs and the Government Sector" was held. The meeting was attended by representatives from nine associations, a representative in front of the Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and representatives in front of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
31 Jan 2018

Participation of BHHU ATRA at the annual ECO BiH meeting in Banja Luka

From 24th to 26th of November 2017, a meeting of an informal network "ECO B&H" was held in Banja Luka which was organised by the Center for Environment.
29 Nov 2017

Biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and question of its protection

Discussion of mechanisms of cooperation between NGOs and the government sector
21 Nov 2017

Hosting president of BHHU ATRA Emina Šunje on TVSA: Appearance of snake in primary school Musa Ćazim Ćatić

The president of the BHHU ATRA Association Emina Šunje was invited by TVSA to participate in the "Sarajevo morning" show on the occasion of the appearance of a snake in the elementary school Musa Ćazim Ćatić.
07 Nov 2017

The winning photograph of fire salamander taken by our team member Ana Ćurić

This year winner of a photo contest with a theme of fire salamander is our Ana Ćurić.
31 Oct 2017

News report by Al Jazeera Balkans European Researchers' Night featuring Adnan Zimić

Fourth year of BHHU ATRA participating in the European Researchers' Night.
26 Oct 2017

The mysterious world of amphibians and reptiles

first exhibition of live herpetofauna in BiH
12 Jul 2017

Poster exhibition

Poster exhibition "Protect and save the biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina" just started. The exhibition will last a year and travel to schools and institutions to educate young people about our biodiversity and habitats. This project is sponsored by Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Right now, the exhibition is set to its first location in the First Bosniak Gymnasium Sarajevo.
19 Feb 2017

Sixth International Biological Camp "Stolac, 2016"

Sixth International Biological camp was organized by the Assotiation of Biology students from Sarajevo (DSB). It was held in the Mediterranean town of Stolac in the period from 31st July to 6th August 2016. The main task of all camp sections was the evaluation of the biodiversity of the mentioned area. Herpetological section noted the existence of 17 species, so the area of Stolac should be conside ras very important area (hot spot) when it comes to members of the herpetofauna, especially reptiles.
27 Oct 2016

Field activities on Mt. Prenj (B&H)

The black salamander from Mt. Prenj
08 Jul 2016

Field activities in Gorski Kotar - Croatia

Project: Black salamander from Mt. Prenj
03 Jul 2016

Field activity in Posavina

Ecological researches of the rarest toad species in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Garlic Toad (Pelobates fuscus)
18 Apr 2016

“Nature knows no boundaries” Rufford Small Grants Foundation Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Rufford Small Grants Foundation, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the Rufford Small Grants Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina which will be held on 21st and 22nd March, 2016 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is one of many RSGF conferences held all over the World with main reason to share our experience during the projects and to connect RSGF winners, as well as to gather all of you for the pleasant and motivating meeting.
16 Mar 2016